Question: How diverse is the plankton population in South Maui?
Hypothesis: I think that there will be over 100 species of plankton in the water around South Maui.
- collection net
- vial
- microscope
- slide
- coverslip
- paper
- pencil
Salinity Test:
- Set water tester to measure salinity
- Dip in sample water
- Record results
Temperature Test:
- Dip thermometer into water
- Wait until the red marker stops moving
- Record results
Disolved Oxygen Test:
- Take sample of water
- Drop in Oxygen Test Tablet and shake until disolved
- Wait 5 minutes
- Compare color and record results
Phosphates Test:
- Take water sample
- Drop in Phosphate Test Tablet and shake until disolved
- Wait 5 minutes
- Compare color and record results
Nitrates Test:
- Take water sample
- Drop in Nitrate Test Tablet and shake until disolved
- Wait 5 minutes
- Compare color and record results
pH Test:
- Set water tester to measure pH
- Dip into water
- Wait until results appear on screen
- Record results
Turbidity Test:
- Pour water into graduated cylinder to the correct height
- Place over symbol and compare visual results to chart
- Record results
- Sailinity: 26 ppt
- Temperature: 20.46
- Disolved Oxygen: 0
- Phosphates: 4
- Nitrates: 2
- Current: Motionless
- pH: 8.09
- Turbidity: 0
- Plankton species identified: approx. 5, many more still in sample though
Conclusion: We began this experiment wondering how many species of plankton there were in Maui waters. I suspected they would be numerous, over 100. Unfortunately, I cannot confirm or deny that number today because we only had the time and resources to ID 5 species. There were still many more in the sample. This was our main source of error, but others may include improper tool use, incorrect identification, incorrect use of Detain, and improper imaging methods.