In science class, we are doing a humpback whale observation lab. The idea is to collect data on the whales early and later on in the whale season here to test multiple hypotheses regarding the whales. We measure distance and direction of the whales, we count the whales, and we record their behaviors.
My personal research question is "Are humpback whales closer to the shore earlier in the season or later?" I hypothesize that they are closer to shore earlier in the season, where the younger calves can be sheltered from predators by local coves.
To observe the whales, we went to MacGregor's point, on the road to Lahaina. I had fun observinig the whales, but we only saw two pods.
To measure the distance of the whales from shore, we used clinometers. A clinometer is a protractor with a weight on a string. It is used to measure angles relative to the Earth. Using this device, along with a GPS, we were able to find our distanc from the whales, by taking our angle relative to the whales, and then multiplying the tangent of that angle by our altitude.